Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Why do white people complain about blacks on welfare?

You owe us a whole lot more than welfare. Government housing, checks, and whatever other ..what do you white guys call them?.. "entitlement programs?" .. none of the aforementioned compensates for the of a culture. Besides, considering the amount of hours and labor WE put into building this country ( physical labor ), we deserve the next 100 years or so off. Think of it as paid vacation time. The nerve of you to complain about our 'laziness' and demand for compensation, which is insufficient btw, considering the history of this nation. How arrogant for whites to demand blacks be up to par as though 500 years of cultural genocide can be undone in.. how long have we had our rights? 50 years or so? Undo 500 years of damage in 50 years.. Good one, white guy. Good one. Whites always cry about blacks being uneducated and illiterate, but barely gloss over the fact there was a point we'd be killed for attempting to read or write, by whites. What position are you in to complain about taking a little off the top ( tax dollars ) to support people YOU ( white people, period ) helped destroy? You didn't stop at raping the woman, now you're blaming the victim...

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