Thursday, August 11, 2011

Christians if we all have the same "Bible" or Word Of God then why do we all interpret it differently?

Now Catholics (Roman and Orthodox Catholic) as well as Protestants ( Fundamentalist / Evangelical "Born Again", and Liberal/Mainline Protestants) all have the same "bible" or better yet Word Of God if you don't mind me saying so but yet we all interepret scriptures differently such as the Creation myth, or the Adam and Eve myth as well as say the concept of Original Sin for instance. Why is it that we all share the same Word Of God yet we all interpret it differently? Why is it that Catholics both Roman and Orthodox don't take everything literally while Fundamentalist / Evangelical "Born Again" Protestants do? Now I have no idea how Mainline/Liberal Protestants interpret scriptures but you guys can chime in as well and explain how you interpret scriptures as well. Thanks. I quote the word bible as I'm not too fond of that word as it's not a book but more like a collection of books.

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