Thursday, August 11, 2011

My guy friend is soooo fake ?? plz help 10 points 4 best answer?

ok,so i have this friend josh. he's a wannabe, but hes a cool guy and we hang out a lot. he has a crush on one of my closest friends, and he knows i can keep a secret, so he only, only told me. and hes been calling me everyday to make sure i dont tell anyone, which is really annoying. and today on the bus, i was like," dennis, can u seriously stop calling me? its getting rrly annoying and i dont have anymore minutes !" and these two popular guys were like," OMG u call jessica ?!!" and he was like," nahh ! i only prank call her like everyday !" he tries soooo hard to be cool. and this isnt the first time. wenever im around him and his friends, he acts soo mean to me and acts like a total jerk to me. like three weeks ago, these two guys thought that we were dating(ew) and on the bus asked him out loud ,"omg did u break up with jessica?!!" and i asked him wat was up with that in front of his friends and he was like,'yea, like i would ever go out with a loser like u. just leave me alone will ya?" and started laughing at me with his friends. and he said he wouldnt do it anymore. he always does this crap! wen i confront him, he apologizes and i always forgive him! he acts so nice to me and actually acts like a friend to me in private, but in public he acts like a to me. IM SICK OF ITT ! wat should i say to him ?! should i tell ppl who he likess and stoop down to his level and embarr him in front of these popular guys hes tryin to impress ?

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