Friday, August 12, 2011

Obsessive CUDDLING disorder?

Im 16 years old...this is embarring to admit, but i LOVE to cuddle ever since i could not talking about regular calm snuggling up and relaxing, i go ape **** crazy!....i get random sparks of cuddling urges (not everyday, just when i find something irresistible cute) and if im not satisfied i get agitated and bothered (not angry) empty feeling too. I need my entire body and arms covering someone and no space between us (i only cuddle my family and boyfriend, but i don't go too crazy on my bf cuz its embarring but he knows its how i am and he wouldn't mind) also I find everything my bf does is insanely adorable and literally everyday i squeal over how cute he is and tell him how cute he is (he likes the attention ha ha) but i feel like im obsessed with cuddling. I can't stop the urges once i get them! So is there something psychologically wrong with me??

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