Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why won't this girl kiss me?

I met this girl who was bartending at this bar (actually a strip club) NOTE: She does not nor ever stripped, Nor does she try to get tips, and she seemed very very into me. We talked for numerous hours and when I was going to leave, she asked if I could stay longer because she was bored. I stayed for a while and left. I figured I would come back next week and ask for her number. I went back the following week and talked to her for a while. Her shift ended and instead of going home she came around the bar and just sat with me for about 45 minutes. I asked her for her number and she even told me she was going to ask me for MY number last time I was there. I got her number and she was leaving so she gave me a hug (it was for like 30 secdonds, very long hug). Also when we were talking she asked me for my last name suttley and I told her. The next morning she had messaged me on facebook and said an inside joke. I texted her later that day and flirted, yada yada. I added her to facebook and she accepted and also commented on one of my statuses. Didn't text her for a day then texted the following and planned a hangout. We went to eat at a diner and it went very well. She met me there, I didnt pick her up. She was also lives like 35 minutes from the diner, I didnt know she lived that far when I picked it, but she didnt complain. After we ate I was saying bye and she asked if I wanted to go back to her house and hangout because she had to babysit and she said i could keep her company. I followed her to her house and we had a very good time, we just talked, I helped her out with some house stuff and she watched tv and snuggled. We planned for me to visit her at work the next day and hangout after, but she gets done at 3am so I was a little weary because I knew she would be tired. I left and she walked me to my car and I tried to kiss her but she jumped in to hug me really quick, I suttley tried again and she hugged me again. She told me to text her later and I left. Note: I dont really like kissing on first dates, but I feel that most girls do so I do it so I dont upset them/dissapoint them. I'm really not aggressive like that, I like to get to know each other first. So even though she told me to text her, before the night ended she texted me and said she had a great time yada yada and she also said we should hangout on tuesday or wed instead of after work the next day and I agreed. The next morning I wake up and I had 3 texts from her. First 2 texts were her asking me what I wanted to do on tuesday/wed. and the 3rd text was her appologizing for texting me so many times when I was probably sleeping( and I was). I didnt mind though and I texted her back and we talked for a while and I was I would text her later cus I needed a shower, I took a shower then checked my facebook and she commented on like 3 photos and then she ended up texting me again (I said I would text her later), so it makes me think shes very eager to talk to me. She later on asked when I was going out and I said at 730 and she was working at the time and asked if I could bring her come life savers to work. I really ume that was just and excuse for me to stop by? So I stopped by and called her when I was out front of her work and she came out and we talked and then she had to go back inside cus her boss told her she needed to do something but she told me to wait. Then she came back out, and she had to go back inside again and still told me she would be back. She then came back the last time and we were sitting in my car and I thought I was gonna be a if I didnt try to kiss her, so I tried and she once again jumped at me with hug, then I tried again and once again hug. I then said in a joking way "im trying to kiss you" and she like held my hands and said "I know, i dont know if I want to kiss you though", then she asked if I was mad and I said no then she kissed me on the cheeck and told me to call her later. WTF? Anyone know whats going on?

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