Wednesday, August 17, 2011

HELPP! *drunk driving*?

i am doing a SWIM project trying to convince teens to not drink. i need an interesting statistic. i was going for the % of teens that die every year from drunk driving but cant find it. does anybody know it or have a better fact?? please and thank you ( :

How is AFL footy played these days?

these days they do indeed use zones, and not just in the forward 50s, they will use zones to prevent the ball entering the midfield when they use the zone on the kick in (after a behind or out on the full clanger) the zones make it so the ball carrier will be encouraged to run the ball and do those shorter hand to make the ball go from 1 end of the ground to the other believe it or not faster than the kicking days, most teams u will probably notice mount their attack from the half back line, then with a series of short kicks and hand pes it will be down the other end, faster than it ever was. I honestly perfer it this way, i love seeing the tackles, and who can break them

Purple house costume?

You CAN wear a garbage can.But you don't have to,it's just my idea.Or maybe a food costume like a turkery.... ;)

I have to write an essay for American School of Corr. and I don't know where to start...?

I've read through a lot of the questions regarding homework, and I'll say right off that I am not looking for answers or a way to cheat. I'm self-schooled, uninspired and just looking for a little guidance. I'm writing a compare and contrast essay on the the peoples of Bangladesh and Pakistan (the subject is World Geography) But for some reason my mind freezes up every time I sit dow to write it. If anyone can give me a few ideas, or chat with me a bit to help me work it out, it would be greatly appreciated.

Please help with my acne scars?

omg me too. except for me, i hav this one pimple that is scarred and it dusnt go away.. its still there ]: i heard about this scar vanishing product called "mederma" im getting it soon for myself. its rlly popular and i heard it works. u can get it walgreens, rite aid, walmart, target, and those retail stores. check out the website:

What is a word...?

... for someone who finds meaning where there is none? Like whenever someone sees a cloud shaped like the Virgin Mary and thinks it's a profound message from God.....

Does anyone know about calculus . for example about the marginal function and revenue function?

The marginal cost funciton is the derivative of the cost function. The revenue function is the number of units sold multiplied by the demand function.

Air emergancy national geographic episodes?

umm there was a website here on yahoo something where u can download the air emergancy epsidoes for free it was apps something. do u remember the website???????

Can someone please explain to me the difference between Palin and Obama's travel expenses for family?

It's Obama we aren't supposed to question his children touring Europe on our dime ! We would be racist !

Free ten points. If you can answer this easy question?

I will chose one person(doesn't have to be the first) to give ten points who can correctly name the superbowl winner of '84.

Seat covers for 2009 Honda Civic?

I'm looking for some good seat covers for my 2009 Honda Civic Coupe DXG. I want to find something stylish but still subtle. And something that will protect it well. The new suede on the seats for the 2009 models just seem far too vulnerable to accidents, lol. Anywhere trusted online that has good products for good prices? Thanks :)

NVidia Driver problems, which one would be better??

I own an nVidia 7800 GS (AGP) model. I know my system is dated, but, i do not have the money to upgrade, so, I need to get the most out of what i have now. I have an AMD +2800 athlon XP proc, 2 gigs ram, and 240 gigs of hd space. The ram is some stock ram, mixed with a stick from pny, nothing fancy. Anyway, i have the card overclocked barely, to something like 438/704. My 3dmark05 score was around 5600, and my 03 score was @ 11K. Both good scores, i think. I am using forceware version 94.24 from 04/07. I tried using the very latest one from Nov. 07, but i lost like 4000 points on my 3dmark 03 score, so i switched back. TBH, i never tried it on real applications, i just benchmarked, got worried, and switched back. so, any tips or suggestions? Is there a better (newer OR older driver) available for my setup? And i know i should upgrade, i just cant afford it right now. If i were to do anything, it could only be upgrading the processor within the same socket style, so i wouldnt have to change anything else... Anyways, any help would be appreciated...

2 month old teething?

He will be three months on march 10th. Anyways. He has been drooling excessively,fussy the last couple days,& putting his hands in his mouth. And he sort of bites on his hands...if that makes any sense. Also i suspected he was teething so i put his pacifier in the freezer for like two minutes gave it too him he calmed down..then as soon as it wasnt cold he flipped he teething or what is going on. He also has thrown up a lot today. No temp though

What do you think about this guy i met? is he rushing things?

I think he is after one thing and one thing only.. No dates and stay away from him! Don't allow guys to talk to you that way, its insulting and tells you exactly what they are thinking about when they look at you. You deserve respect.

Which is the worst natural disaster according to you?


Would I have to cut my hair if I joined kickboxing?

I'm a male with fairly long hair and Im interested in joining kickboxing. My bangs go about down to my nose. It wouldn't be a problem if I have to, just wondering. Thanks.

What is the most bizarre dream you can remember?

I suppose I can start. I was in a house in which I used to live in, and my whole family was there. The house was slightly larger than usual, and some extra secret rooms were added. So there I was standing in the kitchen staring at the wall. I did nothing until I heard a weird noise coming from downstairs. My parents were talking about lamps while some weird guy with a leather jacket, a scarf, spiky hair, and bandanna over his face was talking about isolationism. An eye suddenly appeared in the center of his hand and he said "magical numbers of the alumnus will grant your fate." he then made the scariest expression and so I ran downstairs. A short cinematic started playing with separate camera angles of the room. Music started playing from Donkey Kong 64 and some weird monsters were running around in the cinematic saying "Evil eye! My evil eye! Give us seven shadows of the *gibberish*". Then letters formed construction world in the center of the cinematic. I then ran downstairs and somehow went under a rug and through the bottom of a door to find one of my friends staring at a wall eating popcorn while two of my enemies were making out dressed up as fairies. I then opened another door to find an F-zero styled track with hovercrafts going everywhere and a pig with sungles pooped out of nowhere and shoved a banana through his snout. He then choked on it and died saying "To be a master is to be my 9000". I went back and saw a giant T-Rex and a boss hp bar appeared on the right side of me, I threw a tissue box at it and it did 5 damage. It chased me upstairs and I shut the door. I ran to my mom and said "mom there's a dinosaur downstairs!". She replied "There is no such thing as dinosaurs!". The T-Rex burst through the door and a monkey, flying turtle, and raccoon came with him and chased after me. I went behind a bookshelf and Anne Frank was sitting right next to me. All of a sudden the bookshelf turned into a staircase and Richard Simmons appeared wearing nothing but a leaf, which covered the . I ran upstairs and grabbed a shotgun, shooting Richard Simmons the T-Rex, the monkey, flying turtle, and raccoon. They all responded by foaming at the mouth saying "MY !!!" all at the same time. The screen then faded to white. Then the scene changed to an airport. The final countdown was playing in the background.All of a sudden one of my friends was on the runway staring at nothing. He was just standing there and there were several shots of him from different angles. He finally said "mirror mirror on the WAAAAALLLLL"!!! as an airplane ran him over. I then dreamt that I woke up from the dream and was in my bed. I took off the covers to find that some stranger was in my bed with me, so I ran out and went to the computer room, seeing the same friend staring at the wall eating popcorn. I then asked "What are you doing in my house?", and then I woke up.

One with imperfect senses can never identify the things which never change. Why?

Because you have imperfect(always changing) senses, your observations will vary and varying observations indicates changes. So you will always observe changes.

Any idea what's wrong.. or just what I should do, I guess?

Let me sum up my past here. I'm 17/F. I had depression and anxiety my whole life, and attempted suicide back in January. I survived, got prescribed Paxil and go to therapy every week or so. I got better for a while, and then things started getting ridiculous. I have this adrenaline obsession. I drive my car too fast, and crashed it on Monday, chasing my boyfriend. I've become promiscuous. He has no idea I cheat on him, but I can't help myself and I don't even feel bad. I've gotten into drugs and alcohol, and I recently lied to my psych so I could get prescribed sleeping pills. I haven't cut in a month cause my dad took my blade away but I still have my lighters so I can burn myself and smoke cigs to relax. I do things that are risky to make myself feel alive, I guess. What worries me is that I'm probably this horrible person and I don't really even give a ****. I'm just curious if there is a name for what's become of me, this apathetic teenaged loser. I lie ruthlessly and lose friends and it's just like.. I don't care. As long as I can keep sleeping around and taking things to mess around with my brain, I don't care. Whatever makes me feel good, alive.

Is pastor Terry Jones right for burning the Qu'ran? I think if people get upset over burning paper is silly?

no terry jones knew that this would cuss so much trouble i think that is why he did it . i understand what you are saying about ppl getting so upset about burning paper they should not riot over something like this but this is what Muslims do they overact when it comes to there religion

Done all the work still dont get it please help me?

3 & 4 cannot be answered as given.....#1. put a point on the interior of the octagon and draw line to each vertex....8 triangles...thus 8 *180 - 360 { in degrees}...#2.likewise [5 * 180 - 360] - 2 *90-100-120

Would Australia survive if it became a federal republic?

No. Or at least Australia's wonderful political stability will be lost. The Australia Constitution is one of the best in the world, and Constitutional Monarchy, even though it may not seem like it, is a vital part.

Acid Reflux??? wish i had insurance lol?

Im not sure if what i have is acid reflux or what, I don't get a burning sensation in my throat or anything like that I get an over full felling in my stomach and feel like i have to burp for a good 2-5 hours after eating a meal, sometimes its so intense that it causes me to vomit when trying to get the burp out.

Is it wrong to get a Tattoo of the hand of ulster?

My origin is from northern Ireland, I am Scots-Irish and i have been attempting to create tattoo designs that incorporate my ancestry. However i have been told several times that the hand of ulster represents a severe prejudice and strongly promotes conflicts that have occurred within the area. The coat of arms also contains the hand of ulster. I just want to find a way to create a tattoo that can pay tribute to my heritage without advocating the horrible actions that took place within the area. If there is anyone that can let me know the boundaries and give me ideas of how to work around this problem I would greatly appreciate it. Again all i want to do is have a tattoo that pays respect to the people of Scots-Irish decent. I intend in now way of having the tattoo be symbolic of political intentions of either side.

When i am replying to the lotto mail i am always encountering a firewall can you please help?

You don't get anything for nothing, it's a scam do not answer do not give personal information. Just google scam and see how many hits yoou get, there are millions of them and they are all aimed at taking your money.An excellent site giving advice on how to recognise and avoid scams is at Also If you go to the following link you will get some info on ID theft the iinternet is safe enough if you are careful but please answer nothing that you are doubtful about.Good Luck and be careful.

Can you give me movies that have the book Catcher in the Rye in it? Like 'The Conspiracy".?

I've heard there were like 300 movies that have the book Catcher in the Rye in it. One of them is the Conspiracy by Mel Gibson. Can you please name more? Thanks. I really need this for my ignment tomorrow.

I have just received my gas and electric bill from scottish power,?

And it has gone up from march, over a thousand pounds, I live in a small 2 bedroom house, i hardly have the heating on, but there saying i have used more gas, i do not have a gas cooker, all i have is my boiler, the only thing i have on quite a lot is my tower fan because of this hot weather, I had a electrician come out at christmas to install my cooker, and he said a lot of the wiring i have is quite old fashioned, could this have influenced my bill?

Does anyone know......?

of any private landlords that will accept DSS in leeds or harrogate? i dont smoke, have pets or children.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Before the superbowl there were about 100 Saints fans...?

now it seems everyone in the whole dang country is a fan. All these bandwagon jumpers will be riding a brand new team next season and they will forget all about the Saints. Using the whole Katrina angle is so over played and it really is a stretch, I mean that was 5 years ago. I hope the Cowboys can win next season because they had that awful galveston of hurricane of 1900. I feel sorry for the people of New Orleans for what happened to them, it was horrible, but to say this was tied to a football game is ridiculous. Does anyone feel the same as me?

Help me!! i am very heartbroken!!?

Okay before our winter break started i found out on monday that a boy, pretended to like me for 2 months just to get this other girl to like hi, because he told him he like her but she turned him down! and now they go out and when ever i look and instantly fall in love! and how can i not he's in almost all my cles and on my bus! he USED me just to get this other girl to like him, first i ignored him then i thought he liked me, so i fell in love now i am heartbroken! help me get through!!! don;t you think he is a **** *** jerk!! (pardon my manner, i usually don't say these words) but he did look at me twice on thursday, last day till break soo help me get through, its like i don't want to love anyone else but him!! :'(

Help.I'm very concerned.....?!?

Santa claus will go through the wall and put big christmas tree where you sleep and give you lots of presents

Why is the Sirius stock value going down?

With the approval of the merger, I thought the stock would go up to at least $4. And they also just reported that their losses were not as high as they had originally thought. And despite both of these good pieces of information, the stock has dropped like $0.15. I know that the market isn't that great today, but still....

How does a conductor arrange the seating in a choir?

In my school, the concert choir is arranged with sopranos on one side, tenors and bes in the middle with tenors in front and bes in back, and altos on another side. Within the sections, it's by height. But in show choir, which competes and stuff, our arrangement has a lot to do with vocal ability and how well certain people blend together. If your group competes it might be slightly height-based but also skewed based on people's actual singing ability, if not it's probably by height.


Asked and answered like at least 100 times, but yes, there is a season 6. first episode will air September 24th.

Should I apologize to him?

Just forget him. He does not want a relationship, he only sees you as an easy score especially after he was cold to you but you still stayed over and had with him. He was being cold toward you because he probably does not want anyone to know about your ual relationship in case he finds another girl to sleep with. In the back of his mind he knows he's going back to Europe eventually and does not want a serious relationship. And he only brought up his sister to take the focus off of his own bad actions toward you and to make you feel bad (a similar tactic I've used during arguements). Get out while you can before you become more emotionally attached to this man who has no desire to be your boyfriend. Remember the saying "why buy the cow when the milk is free."

Have you ever noticed something about Adolf Hitler?

Hitler's paternal grandfather was probably one of the brothers Johann Georg Hiedler or Johann Nepomuk Hiedler. There were rumours that Hitler was one-quarter Jewish and that his grandmother, Maria Schicklgruber, became pregnant while working as a servant in a Jewish household. During the 1920s, the implications of these rumours were politically explosive, especially for the proponent of a racist ideology. Opponents tried to prove that Hitler had Jewish or Czech ancestors. Although these rumours were never confirmed, for Hitler they were reason enough to conceal his origins. According to Robert G. L. Waite in The Psychopathic God: Adolf Hitler, Hitler made it illegal for German women to work in Jewish households, and after the "Anschluss" (annexation) of Austria, Hitler had his father's hometown obliterated by turning it into an artillery practice area. Thus Hitler seems to have betrayed a fear of being Jewish. Waite says that Hitler's insecurities in this regard may have been more important than whether Judaic ancestry could have been proven by his peers.

In the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, were the Banks a royal family?

I know this is a daft question but the monarchy was emphasized in the theme song. So, are they royal?

Shopping nearby MBK bangkok?

i know there are some streets that are near MBK but i dunno what are the streets called.. They sell teens or teenagers or young adults clothing and are quite nice but i dunno what the street called.. It's not airconditional but got shelter.. What is it called?

Im trying to get as many people to call me.....?

I am trying to see how many people can call me while I have this posted. I am in Austin my name is Rochelle, but everyone calls me rudy , please call me and I will post the results at the end...thanks you guys!!! 512-415-6282

Please help! I am so confused.... he wants to take it slow.. Guys or Girls please help!?

I'm sticking with the gay theory. But before you said he had been single for 15 years and now you are just saying 8, to make it seem better than it is. 15 years is a long time to not have a girlfriend. My brother is the geekiest surgeon you will ever meet... socially incompetent mild mannered kind of guy... and even he finds girlfriends. Red flags!

Honda semi-auto transmission 1970s/80s?

I remember it being offered on the Civic CVCCs and early Accords back in the mid-late 70's. The 1979 Prelude might have it as well. this was used up until 1981.

My processor is running at almost 1/3rd the speed it is meant to run on after installing a bios update.PLZ HLP

I have intel dual core processor and an hp pavillion m7382in pc. A month back I installed a bios update meant for my pc. Since then my computer slowed down. I have a dual boot os with vista and xp. I generaly work on xp so I thought that it must be normal but when I booted into vista the experience index showed the rating of my processor as 3.0 while earlier it was 4.7. Also the rating of my RAM went down from 4.6 to 3.9 despite the fact that my RAM is the same 1gb. Later I downloaded Intel processor id utility(from intel's website) which confirmed that my processor is running at a very low speed that is, 1.22GHz x2 while the expected frequency is 2.80 x2 GHz. I have already done a destructive system recovery from the recovery partition. This is not a virus problem as I have norton internet security 2008 which is fully updated and also there are no weird processes running in the background. PLZ HELP.

Xm or sirius?

Has anyone compared the two services and have an opinion about which you feel has the better service?

Can you still be pregnant if you had a period?

i have a felling that i might be pregnant because i have all the symptoms except morning sickness but my period came so should i still take a test?

[URGENT] regarding a project on soft computing tools like fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, neural networks?

Guys, i need to do a project based on the above topics within 10 days. can u give me interesting project ideas that can be implemented within the given time frame??? thanks in advance..

Quick, when was the first....?

volleyball, basketball, printed christmas cards, longdistance phone calls, the first cow to be milked in an airplane, the birth of the first reindeer in the U.S., the road map, the postage stamp catalog, the derby hat, the earmuffs, ballpoint pen, pencil with eraser attached, comic books, the bottle cap with a cork liner, the first woman to swim the english channel, the first airline stewardess, the nickel, the parking meter. Thanks, dont ask why, just please answer quickly!

Barefooter Question! The dangers of being barefoot in the kitchen????

i have gotten hot food on my feet too. And i have dropped dishes that broke into million pieces. Now i have some old flip flops that i wear when I'm around the kitchen.

Why do white people complain about blacks on welfare?

You owe us a whole lot more than welfare. Government housing, checks, and whatever other ..what do you white guys call them?.. "entitlement programs?" .. none of the aforementioned compensates for the of a culture. Besides, considering the amount of hours and labor WE put into building this country ( physical labor ), we deserve the next 100 years or so off. Think of it as paid vacation time. The nerve of you to complain about our 'laziness' and demand for compensation, which is insufficient btw, considering the history of this nation. How arrogant for whites to demand blacks be up to par as though 500 years of cultural genocide can be undone in.. how long have we had our rights? 50 years or so? Undo 500 years of damage in 50 years.. Good one, white guy. Good one. Whites always cry about blacks being uneducated and illiterate, but barely gloss over the fact there was a point we'd be killed for attempting to read or write, by whites. What position are you in to complain about taking a little off the top ( tax dollars ) to support people YOU ( white people, period ) helped destroy? You didn't stop at raping the woman, now you're blaming the victim...

Has anyone had success with slim-fast?

you see those commercials on tv and my mother tried atkins at first but said she was starving too much so she did slimfast with a starting weight of 345 with the height of 5ft6...she has lost so much weight in the past year and a half and she has never been so happy..Does anyone have a success story about slimfast like how much they weighed when they started and how long it took for them to lose the weight, did it change your life, etc...only serious inqueries plz...

If you watch the Jets Texans. do you think Leon Washington was better than Thomas Jones in this game?

everyone is talking about what a great game Thomas Jones had. he had a few nice runs but if you look at the replay you will see that had very big holes, and some of those runs was in garbage time.

Can you suddenly stop taking your synthriod and go to a natural source from tcm and or iodine replacement?

See a professional Homeopath. As you notice improvement you'll be able to gradually cut back on the medication (not stop cold turkey) and observe results conservatively. Some people have been able to get off Synthroid altogether, however it depends on how well and if your natural thyroid function can be restored and boosted to peform normally. Homeopathy can also reduce the side-effects of conventional drugs in many instances.

█ Can you write a little tale , including as many of these titles as possible?

There exists a delicate balance between my avocation (just a drugstore cowboy), and my vocation (an aspiring actor - one with diminished capacity). The awful truth is that just today on the set, my line was, "Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen", and I mouthed, "Awwwww, shucks!" (seems fatigue had set in). The director said I was flirting with disaster because they all wanted to go home, too. Replied this actor, "Roll again, this time you'll get nothing but the truth". Isn't it shocking that this good ole boy nailed that ending line, and headed straight to the drugstore for his malted milk? There his squeeze was heard to say, "I'll be your tootsie wootsie, and you be my keeper of the flame, you big hunk of a would be cowboy actor!" They slurped together whilst the outta town couple at the back corner table whispered in the dark about their portfolio, and about their futures - - - (fade to black).

How do I make my own Bingo?

I am planning a ladies christmas banquet and was wanting to make our own bingo game. I just am not sure how? There will be about 30 women there. How does bingo go, and what would I need to do for preparation?

How can i get over him ?!?

ok i get were your coming form, when your going out with someone limted time suck's but yeah why don't yous just be friends,& see if a relationship is really what you guys need right now, try just introducing him to your mom as just a friend get talking to her about him she,what she thinks about him az your friend ! then maybe down the track you can see how you feel about him & see if yous are ment to be ! :)

What would be a good guinea pig for a multi-colored guinea pig?

mine looks like this but it is furry a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Monday, August 15, 2011

Did anyone get injured for the Steelers? I heard about some injury...?

I am on the verge of betting $20 on the Steelers but I won't do it if the injury to a major player occurred. I know that the Steelers will win because they always get bailed out by the refs, but an serious injury can ruin an entire team.

How can i improve my vocabulary for the SAT's?

i took the PSAT's as a sopre a few months ago and i got a 630 on my math so I'm not worried about that, but i sucked on the english section primarily because of the vocab on it. Does anyone know any really effective ways to improve your vocab within a year?

Could someone please help with this spring energy question?

A package of m 5 kg sits at the equator of an airless asteroid of m 4.0e20 kg and radius 2.5e5 m. We want to launch the package in such a way that it will never come back, and when it is very far from the asteroid it will be traveling with speed 176 m/s. We have a large and powerful spring whose stiffness is 2.5e5 N/m. How much must we compress the spring?

Chemistry hellp. PLZ help and thanks...?

Copernicium(#112 on periodic table) is radioactive but then decays to Darmstadtium-201, what happens to the electrons after such a decay.

Projectile Motion Problem..See below. Help!?

A fire hose held near the ground shoots water at a speed of 7.5 m/s. At what angle(s) should be the nozzle point in order that the water land 2.0 meters away? Why are there two different angles?

Why would this guy say "She's SOO ugly!"?

ok so I remembered when I was in 6th grade (I am now in 9th) I was sitting behind Richie who is in my grade and his older brother Dean who was in 7th grade and he asked me to go out with him and I didn't want to go out with him. And then Richie said "She's SOOOO UGLY!" and then Dean said "So, she has a great personality"

Distinguishing Chemicals from one another?

For sucrose you can hydrolyse it into a reducing sugar using HCl and heat. Then you can add AgNO3 and you will have silver metal precipitate out and probably coat the test tube.

Should we be surprised that Obama's White House has a Mao Tse-Tung ornament on the Christmas tree?

So you take offense to a picture of Mao, but have no problem slapping a Hitler mustache on Obama. Interesting.

Help with my SAT problem?

i need help. actually i need to chill but i'm me, i stress over everything. anyways i'm a straight A freshman, i took the PSAT a couple weeks ago and got a score of 1360... i'm stressing. bad. i want to raise it to at least a 1700, i'm not looking for ivy league or anything. seriously. just a good design school? i know i have time but i just don't see how my score will improve, i'm just a HORRIBLE test taker. like beyond. i hate the format of the SAT and yeah.. :( i even bought the blue book but overtime i try to look over it i stress and just get frustrated. i do the SAT questions of the Day and my writing section SUCKS... okay i guess i'm just looking to see what colleges i can get into... i'm a straight A student in all MYP and Honors cles. i'm one year advanced in math (taking algebra 2 instead of geometry) and i'm bilingual, i'll be taking AP spanish language next year along with pre calc. honors. i'm a good student. i'm the student that all my friends go to for question and tutoring. i do half the explaining in cles and i could practically sell my notes, i do tons of extracurricular activities and i'm involved with my school. i'm just bad at the SAT... :( help

I'm looking for a Bernina 1001 printable manual.?

I need a printable online Bernina 1001 manual, because my machine is acting up and the manual got lost forever ago. Could anyone supply a link to an online version? I'd be positively grateful.

According to kris if he was voted out instead of halfwit he would think we was all mental?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a its at the bottom of the link, bring it on i would love to prove to him we are all mental lol

In the movie Scary Movie 3?

What was the song that was played after Cindy takes of her shirt and her boss says "And Twins"

Test for Dementia---DO YOU HAVE IT??

It is quite apparent that the USA is now in a potential death spiral. The golden years are long gone. The damage done to our country by cl polarization, dependance on welfare and subsidies, political corruption so endemic that we have no sense of American identity. We need a total moratorium on all immigration for 5 years, and a different system of taxation, clarification of who is our friend and who is not. The decay of America has been accelerated by groups so stupid that they deflect attention from the true issues. It is not even remotely possible to expect America to recover to its past golden years, without a significant cost. I have posted several replies to other similiar questions and the questions usually hinted at the type of answer desired and the truth is not flexible . Unfortunately most of the questions on such a critical issue....are asked by children..We live in a world of the "haves" and the "have nots".........the only thing keeping peace now is the presence of weapons and power. The shift has started in the power balance......India and China have both displaced the USA in key areas.......unless we are willing to undergo a type of "isolation", the USA can not recover without removing and neutralizing the upper 2 % of wealthy Americans and corporations. Changing our sense of fair and it applies to Christian values.....not as it applies to money and greed. The lessons of the past have not been remembered, we are making the same mistakes again....only this time we dont have the resources to recover. The true spirit of America will live on, even if America the country falls apart. We need to stand up and be proud to be American and not give a damn what other countries think. We need to start taking care of our own.........we owe it to America

Macintosh TextEdit question. (About Maya 2008)?

TextEdit is an awful text editor. You should use Aquamacs Emacs. I use it and it has great features and is great for editing Programming Languages.

Who wins this fantasy football trade?

It would be hard to let Moss go but I'd take Spiller over Bush any day. Bush to me has been an NFL bust and White is the #1 receiver for Ryan. I'd say Team 2 gets the better deal. It would be a fair deal. It all depends on where people rate different players.

My GF bought a car and they told her to bring it back?!!?

Dealers often will do what they call "spot delivery". This means that they do all of the paperwork and send the customer home in the vehicle when they don't have an approval from the bank yet. What happens then is if they need a co-signer or money down the person is likely to do whatever they have to to get the car so they can avoid the embarresment of having to return the car after they've shown it to everyone they know.

What is this vietnamese/chinese/whatever that keeps sending IMs using everbody's name? Is this a virus? SOS

I have already reformatted my laptop and reinstalled YM but he keeps coming back. How do i get rid of this?

I get the feeling that she's interested in me?

it seems like shes interested. after she heard u had problems with the other girl she was closer to u. just try not to spend alot of time with her cuz the more u do the more she will like u!

Should I go to my abusers funeral?

I think you should seriously think of going...just for the closure..yes it may bring somethings to the surface for you to deal with now..but seems like that is going to happen regardless if you go or not. If you sit at the back of the service, if at anytime you feel unable to cope you can quietly slip out. I have some experience with this situation so please feel free to email me if you would like. Take care

The Golden Comp, children's book or literature?

Well, i guess everything is really literature, but i was thinking of reading this book before i go and see the movie with a friend. When i read a review of the movie it says it was a cross between Narnia and Pan's Labyrinth (which is def. not a kid's movie) so i was wondering about the book. And did you like it?

What phone company is better? Metro PCS or Boost Mobile?

I live near Paw Paw, Michigan (near kalamazoo) and I was wondering what cellphone company do you guys recommend? I hear horrible things about both companys but for the price I would love to get one because Verizon is too expensive and I would love a unlimited plan. now they also have walmart straight talk but I dont know if Im completely interested in that. I love to text, but just help me what company is better and why.

To hog or not to hog!?

If I were you, I would stick with just pulling it, or cutting it down to about 3-4in in length. A mane does provide a significant amount of bug protection for a horse, and hogging (I've always heard it as roaching, but we'll go with hogging for now) it completely eliminates that natural defense.

7 almost 8 years ago I was arrested for aggravated ault with bodily injury to a police officer I was charge?

with a felony but it was dropped to a misdemeanor and instead of the 10 years they were offering me I did months. So can I still own a handgun or vote? I have not been in any trouble since. This happened in Texas, I now live in California.

Why do characters in mystery novels refuse medical help when they are injured?

I just read a novel in which the protagonist is beaten up and sustains facial and bodily injuries. Instead of getting medical help, he pours a bourbon to take care of the pain, takes a shower and orders Chinese food while putting an icebag over his face. He is staggering due to the pain in his body. This type of bravado seems foolish.

How long before you can feed a wild caught python? It's still a bit stressed out.?

I would give it to a snake expert or a local zoo, espeacilly if you have no clue how to handle and care for it. Not trying to be mean, just so that you nor the snake gets hurt.

How long does spermatogenesis last?

Also if anyone can tell me the result of Mitosis, Meosis I, Meosis II in Oogenesis and all those in Spermatogenesis It would be really helpful?!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I need to find strength to walk away.?

The Basics: I've been with this guy for almost three years. I've been 100% faithful, he has not. There's always another girl popping up here and there...on top of that, he's broken up with me so often, yet now I am the one getting fed up. I am not here bec. of love, I'm here bec. it seems "easier" to stay than to face things alone...I want to walk away. I just don't know when I'm going to (if I ever will) get fed up. I know the stuff he pulls isn't ok, yet I can't make myself leave. I've cried too much, been lied to more times than I can count...I wanna get out. I just feel so scared. I know I am attractive and that I deserve the best. Everyone deserves the best. I don't want to hurt anyone...Any comments/ideas?

Do "oppressive and exploitative" commercials prevent women from feeding their babies?

feeding is about choice, but due to many of our societies outlook on feeding women feel it's embarring and/or inconvenient. Women don't need support from family and support workers, it's not hard for a woman with maternal instinct to figure out how feeding works, after all it's hardly rocket science, it's natural. The article makes out that women need protection and rights when it comes to feeding, when all they need is people to understand that it is natural. In some countries women are shamed for bottle feeding their children, so of course most women are influenced into feeding, but like you said it comes down to choice. The article talks about being oppressed, but surely not giving the option of bottle feeding is oppressing when the other option is viable and avaliable. It's up to the mother (and father) to weigh the pro's and cons and to what suits them.



What is the situation in your country with swine flu?

I would like to say that the piggy flu is not a pandemic, that is just a scare tactic they are using to make more money and get people running to get a vacc. More people die from the common flu every year and you never hear a peep about it. More then 35,000 people in the U.S. die from flu related complications. Did you also know that here in the U.S. they have stopped proper testing and reporting actual cases of the piggy flu. They haven't recorded a report since Sept. Yet everyone is running around talking about how horrible it is and how it's spreading like fire. Yeah sounds like a snow job to me.

What does period squared mean in terms of pendulum?

I need to graph the relationship between T (period) squared and the length of the pendulum. I understand what the period is, but what is the period squared..? What is its importance, and why is it plotted rather than Period vs Length

Do you think that the mickie james backstage promo was meant to kill the retirement rumors?

Possibly, of course it could just be a swerve but i doubt it. I'm pretty sure that segment was made to let everyone know even if she could be becoming a star in country music that she will still be here for a little while longer to wrestle in the WWE at least.

What can we do to better level the difference between the poorest americans and the wealthiest?

Because people get compensated in proportion to their ability to produce something of value, in order to reduce the difference between the poorest and the wealthiest, you would have to increase the ability and inclination of the poor to produce more (or I suppose you could retard the ability of the most talented to produce, but what would that accomplish). Compare the standards of living of "the poorest" today to those of the poorest 50 years ago and you will find the poorest FAR better off. Fifty years ago being poor meant you might not have indoor plumbing. Today it means you might have to use a prepaid cellphone.

The Sleeper By Edgar Allen Poe?

I read The Sleeper by Edgar Allen Poe and i dont seem to understand it. I am in 5th grade and it feels a little advanced for me. CAn someone please provide a summary

If I want to become a cop, what cles should I take in college?

If you want to be a detective then do NOT major in CJ or anything. Whether you want to be a patrol officer or detective, does not matter. Do not major in criminal justice ever. Schools will say that you should, but in all reality everything you learn in those cles will be taught to you at the police academy and you will have wasted money on a degree that doesn't do you any good. If you want to be a detective or a narcotics officer or get promoted at all you especially want to study something else. Psychology is an excellent major for the first two, and any sort of business or finance major will be excellent for detective or promotions within a department. Another problem with CJ cles is what happens if you get injured on the job and can no longer be a police officer? You now have no degree to fall back on that does you any good in the civilian world.


What the **** are you talking about!? Lebanese people are the friendliest, warmest, loving and most caring people you'll ever meet. Oh, and you're not lebanese, you wish you were with all that jealousy you have...

Average number of ual partners for a college freshman, and does it really matter?

thats about normal. everybody goes thro this kind of faze now a days where they have a big increase in numbers...i had for the first time as a freshman in high school (so 1 person that year) soph (1) junior (still with same guy as soph) sr (2) freshman in college (3) soph (7)

Dont you hate it when people....?

constantly pawn their children off on someone else and act like they are a burden instead of the blessings they really are? I understand every once in a while you may need a break, but every day or every other day is rediculous. my cousin and his wife have 4 children ages 6-12 and they are always putting them off on his parent's. they always say "we need a break" but geez...its crazy. and these kids are mean. I love them but they are. when I was pregnant with my son, the youngest punched me in the stomach then laughed and the parents said nothing. also when my son was born, at the hospital, the youngest stuck his fingers in my mouth, again the parents said nothing. they have no dicipline. but anyway, tonight my husband and cousin was going to go fishing and my cousin thought it was so stupid of me because I wouldnt leave my 6 week old somewhere for the night to go fishing. I love my son, and he is no burden and I dont want to be away from him. I dont want a break. I left him for 1 night and that was because I had to take my husband to the hospital and that was enough for me. and it was only because of an emergency. but shew...Im sorry Im ranting. Im just hormonal because of my period. lol

Chemistry question..please help.?

This question is for a pre lab ignment that we have to do. A sample of helium is collected by displacing 145 mL of water. the pressures of the gas and the atmosphere are equalized using the method described in this experiment. The atmospheric pressure is 745 mmHg. The temperature of the water and that of the gas are identical at 26 degrees C. How many moles of helium have been evolved?

LGBT: I tried gay but...?

I wasn't turned on at all or reach the "endpoint" of it. This happened twice. Despite the fact that I have been turned on when I'm on my own by say, some gay conversation or imagery, the was a complete....anticlimax (no pun intended) of sorts lol...whats goin on in here?

Who is gonna be a better closer?

I would stick with Street over all of the guys available. Villanueva is just filling in for Hoffman, Franklin is splitting saves with Motte, and Hanrahan plays for a bad team. Corpas has not shown that he can be any better than Street, so the job is Streets for at least the mean time. Hold onto him.

Is it too soon for cunnilingus?

My wife and I have recently made big strides in overcoming feelings of anxiety/guilt/fear of exploring the female body. Though I have wanted to for years, we have yet to do much exploring in her nether regions (I know, shame on me). It seems the tongue would be a nice way to introduce exploration because it is soft and slippery. Would it be a good idea to start off with something else in case the tongue is too weird and makes her feel uncomfortable? Thank you for your help!

What is the best way to get off easy in a drug related case?

My boyfriend was recently charged with a ps of cs1<4 grams. He was on parole and now he has caught this case and he might go back to prision for the rest of his four years. He has signed an admissions guilt like a dummy so theres really not alot of leadway for him. Also someone else was in the car with him and was thinking about taking the case for him could that help him? And I was wondering could he play like he is an addict and just possibly just get probation on this case and just get sent to a rehab or something. He talkedto his parole ppl and they said depending on how the case goes depends on if theyll revoke him. What is the likelihood of him convincing him he has a drug problem and also what do you think would be some other options???

Want to try proactiv?


Poll: Fruity Pebbles or Fruit Loops?

Fruity Pebbles I would have to say. I normally don't share, but since it is you, I am always willing to share!

Cohabitation and Christianity/Catholicism?

I've noticed more and more frequently that it is becoming the 'norm' to live together before marriage amongst Catholics and Christians. How is it that people can find this acceptable when their beliefs speak to the contrary?? I'm only 27, but I remember when integrity and not compromising ones beliefs meant something, but now adays the excuse for this behavior is 'times are changing' and/or 'thats old fashioned.' I find it harder to understand how people can live so contrary to that which they claim is dear to their hearts. I understand no one is perfect and we all have our thorns in our side, but I dont understand how someone with these spiritual beliefs can find it so easy to compromise and not see anything wrong with this. (This is even very prevelant in the entertainment industry with musicians and even actors - which is probably why many people see it as normal behavior.)

Is my ex boyfriend of 4 years using me?

My ex boyfriend broke up with me in February and we just hung out for the first time on Tuesday. I initiated us hanging out because I wanted to hook up. I ended up hanging out at his house and we had and then we went to dinner after. He paid and then I took him to work because he can't drive right now. The next day we hung out again and ended up having , and then we went to dinner again and he paid again. I also slept at his house after wards and we snuggled and he kissed me like he always used to in the mornings. I asked him if he still loves me and he said he does but it just isn't the same. And he says he doesn't want to be in a relationship right now. Is he just using me or are there feelings still there? I love this guy so much and want him back. He is my best friend. I need answers people!!!! Please help:(

When growing your hair out when do I get it cut again?

Yes, get it done earlier and let it settle down, and if needed just get a quick tidy up day before going back to school......

The week seventeen game between tampa bay and oakland raiders?

Who do u think will win the game next week. Im a eagles fan but in order for them to make it to the playoffs they need to beat the cowboys and tampa bay bucs would have to lose. So what do u think will happen????

Need some advice on this trade! Aram & Chris Ray for Holliday & Kotchman?

Not a good deal! You should be able to get a present closer in that deal. I do think Ray will get the job but not for longer than you can afford. I have 3 closers on most of my teams. Good luck. Look for lesser known closers in the FA list. I picked up Sherril and Motte today. Look close, many get missed.

Could the British government remove/p a law to abolish the monarchy, even if the Queen disapproved?

Yes, with the ping of the Act of succession in 1701, where normal hereditary rules were byped, parliament essentially erted it's power over the monarchy.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How many people did Anton Chigurh murder in No Country for Old Men?

This is a brain teaser for all of you who watched the movie. Anton went on an incredible killing spree in this film, but exactly how many people did he kill and WHO WERE THEY? First person to come up with the correct answers gets 10 points. Remember, you don't actually have to have seen the murder happen, it can be presumed (such as Carla Jean at the end). Lets see how good your memory is if you want to tackle this.

How do I get the governor of Alabama to pardon my husband from prison?

My husband had got into trouble a few years ago and was released and put on probation. the economy is SOOO bad, we couldnt find jobs, so he couldn't pay his restitution and probation fees. Its not fair that he has to do 10+ yrs just because he couldn't afford to pay anything!!! and now im stuck homeless and hungry with nothing. HE WAS ALL I HAD!!! and what do i do if im pregnant?!

Ph for aqueous H2SO4 solution of concentration 3 x 10-2 M?

Not completely true, depends on the degree of dissociation of HSO4 to SO4. Write m balance equation, use the law of m action, you will have 3 conditions and therefore you will need at least 3 equations to solve (depending on linearity). Solve for H+ concentration in terms of the others, apply pH = -log(H+) to get pH.

I'm almost 15 and I have a continous fever for the past 5 days.. Any ways to lower my temperature?? ):?

My birthday is in 2 weeks and so is my midterm tests and for the past 5 days my fever has been either highest: 102.56 F or 39.2 C or the lowest was 99.86 F or 37.7 C. I'm really worried because I need to study and I hate feeling like this and i already missed school for 1 and half day and i hate being at home!! I miss my friends and i hate hate hate this feeling and i used icepacks and iced blankets and medicine and i drank so maany water that i think if i drink any more im going to throw up. so any suggestions on quick health?? please help.. and my throat is killinggggg me, i cant eat or drink anything without the stabbing pain... so medicines wont help, any natural or in fact any wayy pleasee just help mee..!! i dont think im making sense..

Which is better arena football or the nfl?

i personally like afl better because theres more action in the games exciting finishes and hard hits wat do yall think

Why didn't Libhoo run this on their homepage?

Wow...I hear crickets! No democrats or liberals refuting this? Oh that's right - they're all googling "Alaska" and "trooper-gate."

Crazy Grandma! Please help!?

She is either, a very manipulative person or has low self esteem (maybe she just doesn't know, a bit ignorant if i may say), you need a big load of patience and try talking to her, maybe is better if you do it with someone else there, could be her son or husband, so they can be the witnesses because surely she will change what you told her and use it against you (ie: like when she said that you disrespect her), if you still think is a culture thing, do a bit of research of her culture and understand why she is acting like that?... some old people aren't as flexible as us to understand other cultures and differences, and only see things their way and want everybody to be like that.

How to make a brochure through Microsoft Word?

I go to word---new---click on "on my computer" template in the right pane----click on publications----click on Brochure---click on create new template then click OK. Word will walk you through step by step.

I some one translate lyrics?

i like this m-flo / How You Like Me Now but i can't fined the lyric in English can someone translate them or help me fine them

MCR Music videos!!??

Yeah I love both of those videos! Poor Bob and Gee both got hurt at Famous Last Words tho =[ And I want them to make a Mama video!

What are electron microscope?

There are several different types, but they all use beams of electrons, rather than beams of light, to visualize specimens, and the image is then magnified. The benefit is that this allows us to see objects that are much smaller than what we can see with traditional microscopes. The reason for this has to do with the wave-like nature of electrons. Electrons are similar to light waves (photons), but they have a much shorter wavelength than visible light, allowing us to capture images of very small objects. The Wikipedia article on electron microscopes gives a lot more detail and describes several different types of EM: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a


See there's a girl i like and she goes to my high school and i like her but the problem is i don't think she knows im there even though im in all her cles and here homeroom and there's another guy that was my friend but when i told him i like her he suddenly got all mean and he's now tring to get her and i think he's about to win her and i cant even pluke up the courage to say hi to her even though i can go and start talking to another girl i like but not as much AND SHE HAS A BOY FRIEND so what should i do help me PLZZZZZZZZZZZ

Why ask why????? right?

Hi there EVERYONE Tell me...Why do I miss conversating with you all so much if i dont know you,,,,,My computer is down and out and i feel like an outsider....just wanted to say hola and hello to all my contacts and fans out knoo who you are...but dont worry im coming back soon and the competition will be on...k BE SAFE.......YOUR ANSWERS FRIEND IRMA GONZALEZ..........YOUR ALL ARE GREAT..

Why is life sooo stupid?

My friend Cie has the hots for a guy called Matt, who has the hots for me, who has the hots for Sam, who has the hots for Mandy who has the hots for Ashley who has the hots for Cie. Why can't Sam have the hots for me and everything would just work out? Life is so unfair...

Is it finally time to ban christianity in America?

I will pray that God will draw you closer to him and speak to you through His infinite wisdom. Denying God is an unforgivable sin. May God help you.

Fedor - How does losing one fight make you overrated...?

The grand majority of MMA "fans" are incredibly fickle. Whoever won impressively in their last fight is the new face of MMA, and whoever lost (or didn't finish the title challenger by way of knockout or submission in the first round), no matter how deep their record, is no longer relevant in their eyes. The fact of the matter is, Werdum is one of the best submission artists in the entire world, and anyone who goes to the ground with him is at huge risk of getting subbed. It's not like Fedor lost via some ridiculous mistake here, he got caught in a very slick, extremely high percentage (in terms of success) combination submission, by a person who is known for doing such things to people who devote their entire lives to bjj. This fight is significant because it is Fedor's first real loss, but then, everybody loses, it's part of the sport. It's safe to say he'll bounce back stronger from this, and will likely never make a mistake like that again.

When is a horse considered a senior?

I have 3 horses 1 is 13 years old. When should I consider him a senior? Should I change is food to a senior feed? All 3 of them are on Nutrena Triumph Pelets.

How to undo water damage on a poster?

i was walkin through the rain and a small drop of water landed on my poster. it kind of crinkled up the spot. is there anyway to undo or fix this?

In Heaven, will John McCain be married to Carol or Cindy Hensley?

The women he is married to now, maybe both, who knows. Who cares. Are you ok? Let it go. You reaching bad.

Would you be capable of cannibalism, if you were brought up with it?

The Yanamomo tribe in south America still practice cannibalism. If one of the tribes members infant was brought up in Britain wouldn’t they be undistinguishable from another Brit when they get older in terms of there morals?

Why is creationism a belief rather than objective?

There is a reason why you will never Creationism or Intelligent Design in a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal. This is because they are both a load of nonsense.

Finally(BFP) at 10 DPO !?

AMIGA!!!!!! so happy 4 u!!!!! gracias a Dios!! que buen regalo de dia de padres!!!!! yo todabia sigo esperando mi regalito algun dia claro I am 7 dpo and sore !! bbt going up!! I hope this is my month 2!!! god bless u and the Little one!!!

Does Mexico owe appropriate compensation to Indian for false imprisonment?

She's a thief and probably a liar. Why presume innocence? So let her loose and it's "time served" for theft. What's next, gypsies claiming they don't know what pick-pocketing is?

How can i deter my neighbours from crowing?

Well your council may be the only option and a good one at that because it's against most council rules to keep a erel in a built up area. I'm afraid if you have been diplomatic and that has not worked your only options are the council or an air rifle!

Do you solemnly swear that from this day forth.........? shall stop picking your nose while driving on the highway, wear deodorant before going out in public, control your burping and farting in restaurants and stop wearing clothes that are five sizes too small, so help you God?

Autographed Vikings Mini Helmet?

I'm not expecting too much, but I'm just looking for a rough guess where I should start a bidding price for a Riddell mini Minnesota Vikings helmet signed by both Adrian Peterson and Steve Hutchinson

How is magnifying power of a telescope and microscope effected?

how is magnifying power of a telescope and microscope effected by increasing the focal lenghts of their objectives?

I think i have ruined things with a girl im dating?

are you trying to piss off the canucks? If you're implying that canada is part of the USA i guess you know what strings to mess with. but for the future never say Canada is part of the USA

What are some good songs for street hiphop an krumpin' dancin'?

Me an some friendz are into the bboy/bgirl an krumpin' dancin' an we have a competiton comin' up real soon (4weekz be exact) but ain't got no good music to dance to. Is there any good ol' school or raggae to dance to? An i don't mean like lil wayne, t-pain, flo-rida something diffrent out of the box....we'll really preciate!!! Something like....Swizz beats, J-squad, big daddy kane Thnkz we'll really preciate it once again!!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Evangelicals: Why does it look like you are doing the funky chicken when you speak in tongues? ?

I'm not an Evangelical, but wouldn't be surprised if people found this question highly insulting. There are many types of Evangelicals who don't speak in tongues. For those who do, they regard it as an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and take it very seriously. What they are doing may seem strange to onlookers, but they are worshiping God. The last time I checked, people are free to worship as they see fit. I have friends who speak in tongues, and personally would never hurt them by mocking their beliefs.

Singing blissed?

i have a problem i can sing my lola told me i have a nice voice though and the other day my teacher asked me to sing in the school spelling bee as an intermission then my teacher said okey then i changed my mind but this time we are going to sing s trio but still iam quiet nervous because the one iam singing with the other one is like a popstar in our school her popularity is almost outrageous though if i turned down the offer i will just still stay the same unknown me .. what do you think i should do ??

When will antichrist come on earth?

will it be 2010 or will it be never. and what makes you people who bow down to your goverment and flags and your wars that you that rupture will occur first and all the world armed forces go straight to heavon. i hope you people are right i hope all on earth are rupted off earth and i stay on earth.

HELP! Stew Beef Meat and chicken kabobs, How long do I need to bake them in the oven and at what temp?

You can't use stewing beef for kabobs. It's called stew beef because it needs to cook or "stew" for hours.Stewing beef is very tough and a better choice might be a sirloin. Boneless chicken is a good choice for kabobs. Onions, bell pepper, squash and tomatoes are all good choices. The key is to keep everything about the same size so they cook evenly. Typically you do kabobs on the grill but if doing in the oven I would Broil them. And do not use a batter. Some simple olive oil with salt/pepper and your favorite spices is enough.

Endearingly stupid things that our other halves say (lets not ume I am necessarily talking about women...)?

I caught my bf singing the Kaiser Chiefs song 'Ruby' last night, but he was singing 'Dooby dooby dooby dooby....' instead. Nearly wet my knickers laughing.

Is there any way to get hcg levels down?

Just a guess here but if your metabolism is slower than normal it will take a lil longer for your body to flush out the HCG. This may sound silly but if you exersice and get your heart rate up a bit it will speed up your metabolism there fore flushing the HCG faster. also drink a lot of water. best of luck to you and so sorry for your loss

What's a good not-clical song for Orchestra and a vocalist?

For example, i just sang Viva La Vida for my high school Orchestra with a live rock band supporting. We wanted to do "poet and the pendulum" by Nightwish but our school's headmaster didn't like the lyrics. So, is there anything similar to that or Viva La Vida that anyone out there knows to be good for Orchestra and Voice?

Should I trade away Adrian Peterson..?

hey where's your tight ends what kinda a leagues doens't include tight ends? But i think you should try to package like a white or graham since he is the full back now with like a driver or edwards to get a top reciever keep AD

Does anyone knows about a movie about Beethoven?

It was a movie a saw a long time ago, i just remember a scene where Beethoven was a boy and he was swiming in a lake at night and the stars reflected on the lake's surface, and the song Moonlight sonata was playing...Pleasee if anyone remembers this scene i would like to know of which movie is ti, Thanks!

For the decorating department please?

Nearly right – it's Nitromors. It's a chemical stripper that you blob on with a paintbrush. That'll do the job. Be careful and wear gloves!

Can I access my doents quickly from my computer which won't turn on?

I need to get a doent from my computer ASAP, but the computer won't turn on. The computer lights and fan turn on and it looks like it's on, but there's no display. My friend made the computer and I've had lots of problems with it, I'm not very tech savvy so is there a way to byp fixing the computer and just getting my doent? Preferably something a computer-illiterate person is capable of doing.

Legal traffic question?

I wasn't there, but from your description it sounds like the accident was your fault. And there were plenty of witnesses, I ure you. Leaving the scene of an accident is a crime.

Does any one know of a band with a lead girl singer and has a song where she swears loudly at the end?

I think the name of the band starts with a V or an S and she yells at the end of one of her songs, possibly something about her mother and sounds like a mix between the veronicas and the donnas.

Fleece Collar question?

Ok so this is mainly for girls obviously. If I'm wearing a on down shirt with a fleece overtop does it look better with the fleece collar up or completely down?

Why are all women afraid they will fall in love with me if they speak to me? Or take the same elevator?

You have the right to fantasize! Whatever you say will not be held against rubby dubby the chubby wonder lust and make yourself a new hubby!!!.

Hereditary hemochromotosis?

What does a colonoscopy have to do with being diagnosed with hereditary hemochromotosis... and is there an alternative treatment to draining the excess iron out of the circulatory system besides bloodletting?

Will time ever come when we have to treat Muslim people differently?

What is going to happen is that soon the terrorists will need to be weeded out by their fellow Muslims. The Muslims who are good people need to take it upon themselves to show the world that the Muslims who terrorize are not the same as them. It may well be that the only way to stop the terrorizing Muslims is for the good ones to do something about it instead of just standing back and saying "it wasn't me".

Obsessive CUDDLING disorder?

Im 16 years old...this is embarring to admit, but i LOVE to cuddle ever since i could not talking about regular calm snuggling up and relaxing, i go ape **** crazy!....i get random sparks of cuddling urges (not everyday, just when i find something irresistible cute) and if im not satisfied i get agitated and bothered (not angry) empty feeling too. I need my entire body and arms covering someone and no space between us (i only cuddle my family and boyfriend, but i don't go too crazy on my bf cuz its embarring but he knows its how i am and he wouldn't mind) also I find everything my bf does is insanely adorable and literally everyday i squeal over how cute he is and tell him how cute he is (he likes the attention ha ha) but i feel like im obsessed with cuddling. I can't stop the urges once i get them! So is there something psychologically wrong with me??

Best /Right way to do Sit-up and crunches at home?

Get a trampoline and bounce bounce bounce! =] Tuck jumps and straddles and seat drops will tone you up. Try to do at least 10 minutes every day. Or like 20 minutes every other day.

Why do people in europe think Americans are dumb?

Yes, I've experienced this a number of times. But if you switch the perspective, it happens to non-locals here in the states too. In other words, if you aren't home, you aren't home. And many people will treat you accordingly. It's sad but true.

Feed program for a underweight rescue Arabian?

I have a seven year old Arabian gelding, he's a rescue horse that we got about a year ago and he is still a bit under weight. right now I am feeding him four 16oz scoops of Timothy, four 16oz scoops of Purina Mills Equine Senior, 2 16oz scoops oats, and 2 16oz scoops rice bran, plus a mineral supplement in three feedings a day. he also gets hay morning and evening and is on a very large pasture all day. I was wondering if anybody might have any input as to something I could add to his diet or take away from his diet or feed more or less of something, Thank you!

Some countries achieve prosperity and progress while some countries cannot achieve these?

Similarly some individuals achieve height and progress and some cannot.WHAT can be the reason/causes/actions that create these differences between countries and between individuals.Can we relate the reasons for countries progress and individual progress e.g Hardwork

What do you think?

I think I've never seen a longer question on Yahoo! Answers, or a more ingenious one, or one better put. Kudos. Now, I think you're right on about your deduction. It's silly not to be profiling, in every way possible, psychologically and physically. We have been corrupted by the cult of political correctness for too long. Save the country, the heck with sensibilities. The terrorists will just laugh at us for our niceties and slit our throats from behind. Hey, that's not very nice! Good going.

Antenna for HD Radio and TV?

if you use a rooftop antenna you will need to get noto nly a HD TV Antenna but a digital cable boc aswell, standrard roof top antennes now used will go dea next febrruaury a HD or Digital Antenna will be required to tv after Feb 17 2009

Can I go to a hypnotist and prove I was hypnotised, d, and filmed?

It is so corrupt! I cannot believe the police condone it. Or won't do anything. Can I go to a hypnotist and prove I was hypnotised, d, and filmed? Is there any way to find it if I don't remember it? I can remember where I was when I could have been hypnotised. Are you conscious when hypnotised?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ashley tisdale ,Hilary Duff and Miley Cyrus fans...?

hey guys if you are fans of one of these celebs simply tell me thx i wanna add you to my contacts thanks agian

Why do my hands get so cold so fast?

My hands seems to get extremely cold, to the point of numbness, in a matter or 10 minutes. However, this only happens when I'm snowboarding. I wear insulated gloves, but they still get cold. Yesterday, I was snowboarding and when I got to the bottom on my last run, I took my gloves off and my joints were pratically frozen. I've never experienced extreme numbness such as that. When they were thawing I cried, and they hurt so much that words can't describe. The soon warmed but, I just want to know if anything is wrong with me imparticular.

Do you think KISS should go on tour again???

i know they have a farewell but i never got a chance to see them and my dad has seen alice cooper and kiss and he said they both put on a great show!!!!

How can AFL fans help?

I know that Richmond are taking team photo's and you can have your picture taken with the team for a charge of $500, with all proceeds going to the bush fire fund. All clubs could do this, a spokesman at tigerland said they were hoping to raise $50,000, this only equates to 100 people so it shouldn't be too hard to raise the 50 grand you wouldn't think.

What has become of football that a player can't get his leg over without it being a national scandal?

The difference is that the rangers keeper is a rapist and should be on the offenders register. Considerable, in the lack of similarity.

1997 Plymouth Voyager HVAC Control Head problem?

1997 Plymouth Voyager, 135K miles, HVAC fan comes on and goes off by itself. When I turn it on, it usually runs OK. Sometimes it won't come on at all, then starts up by itself as I am driving along. The little indicator light in the A/C on is on when it is supposed to be on. The fan has a mind of its' own.

Mask making help neeeded now!!!!?

Seven deadly sins ? sloth,(light blue) greed,(Yellow) pride ,(Violet) gluttony,((orange) Envy ,(green),lust(Blue) I would do a(((( black )))base with (((purple))) feathers attached to forehead area to rep. pride then (((green))) below to represent envy (((orange))) between eyes to rep. Gluttony, (((red))) around eyes to rep. anger((( Light blue))) On outer edges to rep.Sloth and((( dark blue))) on remaining area to rep. Lust.

Can someone tell me wat luke warm is!? dad is always telling me to make the water luke warm.and i have no idea wat it means! wats the difference between warm and luke warm?and why cant they call it michael weatherly warm?or claudio sanchez warm?who the hell is this luke guy?

Religiously speaking, is Barack Obama the antichrist?

I don't want any Republican to answer. I'll ask a question for them in a few minutes. And since Chuck Norris has always been the real president of the United States but likes to use others to distract the media attention of him, then the real question is: Is Chuck Norris the antichrist?

My parents want my address but they secretly hate me - what should I do?

Get outa their lives and don't let them have any part of yours, do not share your personal information or whereabouts with them if they don't know how to love and respect their own child.... God this sort of bs make me mad... Take care of your own self from here on!!! <3

Annoying me! Why does the EX keep contacting me?

He wants to get back together with you. Just forget about him and move on. Maybe even block his number. There's a reason people become part of your past and I don't see any reason for him to be back in your future.

Is there really a job opening at The Grand Suite Hotel in Ontario Canada? please help. thanks!?

Is there really a job opening at The Grand Suite Hotel in Ontario Canada? please help. because someone emailed me, named peter packer as the manager of the hotel who is hiring applicants there. I just want to know if it is legal before i send the doents they are asking me to send to them.. thanks!

Can anyone answer this pls?

let me start by describing myself, im a very jealous type of guy, now, im currently courting a girl,and i think we are already on a mutual understanding stage... now if i found out that she's been going on a movie date with another guy should i have a right to get mad and ignore her, or am i just making a fool out of myself??? also ive been jealous because she told me she met a guy who's nice, straightforward stuffs like that, but immediately said that there's a huge problem because that guy is not Me... what do you think she's trying to put up??? also any advice on what should i do? much appreciated!!!

Christians if we all have the same "Bible" or Word Of God then why do we all interpret it differently?

Now Catholics (Roman and Orthodox Catholic) as well as Protestants ( Fundamentalist / Evangelical "Born Again", and Liberal/Mainline Protestants) all have the same "bible" or better yet Word Of God if you don't mind me saying so but yet we all interepret scriptures differently such as the Creation myth, or the Adam and Eve myth as well as say the concept of Original Sin for instance. Why is it that we all share the same Word Of God yet we all interpret it differently? Why is it that Catholics both Roman and Orthodox don't take everything literally while Fundamentalist / Evangelical "Born Again" Protestants do? Now I have no idea how Mainline/Liberal Protestants interpret scriptures but you guys can chime in as well and explain how you interpret scriptures as well. Thanks. I quote the word bible as I'm not too fond of that word as it's not a book but more like a collection of books.

What are some good beagle names for a boy or girl?

I am going to get a beagle I'm not sure which gender yet, but I'm so excited I wanted to think of names. I kind of like the names roxy and pixie for a girl, but I really have no idea.

Non-Religiously speaking, why do I have so many typos?

I type so fast and I don’t even notice the typos until later. It’s really embarring and makes me look like I don’t know the english language very well. I just noticed I have them in many of my questions and answers lol.

How brilliant would ireland be at sports if they had a big population?

just watching ireland giving bangladesh a good game of cricket and considering it's probably bangladesh's number one sport and they must have at least 5 times as many people they're doing well aint they! even at football they're way ahead of what they should be

How do you do these chemistry questions cause i don't get them please help me?

11. since all matter is made of atoms that have positive and negative charges,how can an object be neutral 12.state one practical reason for grounding a conductor please number off answers thanks

Which Team would win this match up?

Vikings would win, hear today how the NFL admitted a penalty should have been called a the Favre INT when he was hit hi/ow. That would have given Minn the ball 1st and 10 at the NO 19......

Determine the horizontal and vertical components of the force exerted by the string on the pendulum.?

From what I know, a conical pendulum is not the same as an ordinary pendulum. In an ordinary pendulum, the hanging m moves back and forth on the vertical plane. In a conical pendulum, on the other hand, the hanging m moves on the horizontal plane in circular motion in such a way that the string of the pendulum sweeps out the surface of a cone (a three dimensional object). That's how it got the name conical pendulum. An ordinary pendulum that moves on a two dimensional plane cannot possibly describe the three dimensional figure of a cone. In an actual problem involving a conical pendulum, the speed of circular motion of the hanging m on the horizontal plane must also be given.Either that important information was unintentionally left out and forgotten or the term canonical pendulum has been mistakenly used.

6'0 already and wearing heals tomorrow......?

Trust me, your height is a great et. Embrace it and the uniqueness it gives you. Wear heels if you want to, don't if you don't want to. Just be yourself--tall or short or somewhere in the middle, confidence is always pretty. By the way, I'm tall and wear heels all the time. People look at me sometimes, but I'm pretty sure it's with envy, not scorn. If you do wear heels, you have to make sure you know how to walk well in them. Practice!

Ideas for more homemade recipes for a 2 yr old?

This isn't really a recipe but if you make them peanut er and jellys try mixing the peanut er and the jelly before you put it on the bread it tastes bomb.

Could someone please tell me eveything that happens in the Second Summer of the Sisterhood book?

Someone most definately could tell you what happens. The trick will be finding someone who knows. Then you would have to ask them.

My guy friend is soooo fake ?? plz help 10 points 4 best answer?

ok,so i have this friend josh. he's a wannabe, but hes a cool guy and we hang out a lot. he has a crush on one of my closest friends, and he knows i can keep a secret, so he only, only told me. and hes been calling me everyday to make sure i dont tell anyone, which is really annoying. and today on the bus, i was like," dennis, can u seriously stop calling me? its getting rrly annoying and i dont have anymore minutes !" and these two popular guys were like," OMG u call jessica ?!!" and he was like," nahh ! i only prank call her like everyday !" he tries soooo hard to be cool. and this isnt the first time. wenever im around him and his friends, he acts soo mean to me and acts like a total jerk to me. like three weeks ago, these two guys thought that we were dating(ew) and on the bus asked him out loud ,"omg did u break up with jessica?!!" and i asked him wat was up with that in front of his friends and he was like,'yea, like i would ever go out with a loser like u. just leave me alone will ya?" and started laughing at me with his friends. and he said he wouldnt do it anymore. he always does this crap! wen i confront him, he apologizes and i always forgive him! he acts so nice to me and actually acts like a friend to me in private, but in public he acts like a to me. IM SICK OF ITT ! wat should i say to him ?! should i tell ppl who he likess and stoop down to his level and embarr him in front of these popular guys hes tryin to impress ?

Somebody cut my hair like 5 inches short and it hasnt grown back its been 6 months i dont know what else to do?

the lady kinda cut my hair uneven in layers she said i had to because it was dead but if she cut the bad parts of why iznt it growing back PLEASE HELP!!!

What is the vapor pressure of ethanol & water of this wine, & what is the mol fraction of these comp in vapor?

The vapor pressure of ethanol at 40 degree is about 135 mm Hg, and the vapor pressure of water at 40 degree is 55 mm Hg. A sample of wine at this temperature has a mole fraction of ethanol of 0.10 and a mole fraction of water of 0.90. What is the vapor pressure of ethanol & water of this wine, & what is the mol fraction of these comp in vapor?


ok , i awoke to the thunderous sound of stampeding horses, and cold water lapping against my feet, as i opened my eyes the sun blinded me , and i jumped to my feet, i was on a beach, as i glansed to my left i saw the horse thundering away in the distance , i breathed a sigh of relief...then suddenly and without warning a hugh siver cylinder decsended from the sky and came to rest gently on the sands beside me - thats when three being appeared at the triangular window at the front , they were human in appearance from the neck down, but theyre heads were !!!!! -a huge bush of hair with damn s where the faces should be!!!! - it was at that point one of them bagan singing 'house of the rising sun'- (by the animals) whilst the other two seemed to be doing backing vocals that sounded exactly like wet shock i tried to run, it was at that point i realised i had rope tied around my left ankle, and was suddenly pull to the ground!...and began being dragged at great speed along the leg began to lift higher and higher..until i was being pulled virtically toward the sky,when i managed to look up it was a giant maybe 50,000 feet long...that was what the rope was tied to! travelled for seemed like centuries....the rope snapped and i fell into a cafe in paris , where i went on to have cheese burgers with oliver reed, then a gang of angry villagers arrived demanding i tell them the location of the pubes...i told them they were in the great pyramids , and i woke up..the end

A stock game????????????

I am playing a fake stock game. I have to buy stocks and try and get the most money. The stocks on the game go up and down the same as the normal stocks right now. Im having trouble finding companys to buy and what not. So any suggestions would be nice. Also it would be great if you put the symbol in too. :) thanks

Why does my car keep blowing freeze plugs?

I have a 1990 ford bronco II 4weel drive! It started blowing freezr plugs today it blow 3 different ones i replaced them and the thermostat what could it be? as soon as i push the gas it blows a freeze plug please help

Black and Latinos? How do you feel about each other?

I know that in different parts of the US its different like for example in LA they have the BIGGEST fight between them but here in the DC area for the most part have no issues with each fact they feel that latinos and blacks have a really close connection due to the fact that they feel that they have gone through the SAME issues like discrimination, and jus the fact that some latinos could and are darker than blacks due to the history of latin american coutries latinos in majority have the mix of black spaniard and they use the "n" word like its nothing....its like this in

Manga like prince of tennis or beauty pop ?

looking for a manga that is like prince of tennis or beauty pop like the main charachter is way better than the other characters lke if u get what i mean?? like their skills and tht. i dnt mind something like hakuouki shinsengumi kitan or rurouni kenshin thats something samurai historical powerful

SNL fans: Who thinks they should make Jorma a permanent cast member?

Jorma Taccone. If you don't know who he is, he is the man opposite Andy samberg in **** in my pants video. on "I'm on a boat" he was in the begining opener, and was the one who wasn't on the boat...

What do you tell your child when he /she ask you how to make babies?

well my mom was always straight forward with me but you certainly dont need to tell them at the age of 5 that the goes into the and does its thing . You know?

Balloon Trajectory Forecast Software?

I'v taken a good look at the balloon trajectory calculator ( and was wondering if the software that drives that exists in an open source project or an algorithm is out there to work with? Thank you!

Does this guy show any signs of liking me?

Sounds like he's just a bit shy around girls since he seems to have no problems talking to his friends. Maybe you should try to talk to him about something you know hes comfortable with keep light like school sports or a cl the two of you have together. Good Luck!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Who shold I drop and who should i pick up out of all the people i have on my team?

I. Rod., R son, J Barfield, A Beltre, Hanley Ramirez, Vernon Wells, Eric Brynes, Griffey Jr, Orlando hudson, Paul Konerko, Vlad G, E renteria, Joe Crede, Jeff Francoeur, and Howie Kendrik for my field players and D willis, Javier vazquez, Josh Beckett, Barry Zito, Houston Street, Ryan Dempster, and Matt Belisle for pitching. Hank Blalock ,Morgan Ensberg ,Nick Johnson,Pat Burrell,Orlando Cabrera,Chad Tracy,Jorge Cant�, and Chris Duffy are all the players that I can add.

How common is Young Earth Creationism in Orthodox and Ultra Orthodox Judaism?

Judaism does not reject the concept of evolution; most Jews believe in evolution. That said, some very Orthodox Jews do reject the idea, but it's a minority.

Is it possible for a father to get custody of his two children in Indiana?

I have two little girls that my ex wife has current custody of. I pay 225 a week in child support and have never been late. Since the divorce, my ex wife hasnt had a place of her own, and has bounced around with family members, moving the kids with her, switching schools. In the last two years, she has moved residences 4 times. In the last 2 years, she was arrested for domestic battery, but plea bargined for a battery w/ injury charge. She just now started working(10 hrs) a week and lives with her mother (for now, until they have a falling out.) She drives them around in a 10 year old Kia Rio, that is unsafe and unreliable. I can provide them a stable home, with real food everynight (not fast food), thier own room, and give them a good stable life. Now my ex is taking me back to court for more child support (as she is going to vegas with freinds for a week next month). It upsets me that i see my kids going without, and he using the money for personal reasons, while she mooches off her family.... Any advice? Thanks

Im scared, should i worry?

Im 17 and live in California. My name is Cheyenne and I lost my mom to several different cancers. she was 54 when she died, I was only 13. I recently found out that my mom had Skin Cancer twice before and also had Cervical Cancer. When she was 53 she was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer and Stomach Cancer. she died at the age of 54, 4 1/2 months later. I also found out that in her family there have been several cases of Brain Cancer, which have only effected the girls of the family. The Brain Cancer skipped my mom and my older sister, and now im really scared because i don't want Cancer, but my doctors have all told me that im very susceptible to to any of the Cancer my mother had, I haven't told them about the Brain Cancer, because I have only found out about just a few days ago. Again im really scared. For awhile now, I have been having these amens headaches, that wont go away for days, even weeks at a time, and nothings helped even ease the pain. I've tried everything I can, but nothing makes them stop. I've also been experiencing pains in my stomach, sometimes I double-over in pain, and sometimes I cant even eat. I've gone a whole week without eating. I can barley hold down even piece of bread, a couple crackers, or even a slice of apple. and I don't know why, I just don't feel hungry, even when I know I should. So please, i need some kind of advice, or anything, before I go to the doctor. Thank You for reading.

What does 'PUMA' (Hillary Clinton voters) mean?

It means that they are sensible enough to realize that McCain is much more fit to be president than Obummer is

Where can I find printable fantasy baseball cheat sheets? also has one. they have it by position, and also top 100. They are a very reliable source. I would also recomend that you go to, they also have very good information about having a great draft.

I don't want this to happen, but whose death will turn the attention of most fans, HBK's or Taker's?

Why not just as "who is more popular?" I don't like speculating on the death of people who are still alive. Both will turn millions of people's attention, and I'd be saddened by both.

What is the difference between betrayal and abandonment?

well, i think that betrayal is when you tell a person(someone that is close to you) one thing and then do the opposite and that person feels really hurt by your action. And the way i see abandonment is just to leave someone/something behhind and not return to it.

In 2006 the USA became the worlds 2nd largest economy, does that matter?

That was an interesting article, I think it should be recognized that we have the 2nd largest economy. However, that does not necessarily mean we don't have the strongest economy. Learn this saying, "If we sneeze, China catches a cold."

Could This Of Been A Angel??? ( Do not respond if you don't believe in them)?

When i lived in nevada...i was driving home one night....speeding without wearing a seat belt...and as i came to a area off the freeway that had alot of bars.....just as i was ping...a car sped out into the freeway RIGHT in front of me...I slammed on my beakes and skidded across 4 i did... i felt pressure across my chest as if someone was behind me and was hugging me ,holding me against the seat.As luck would have it...there was not 1 car in the other lanes that i went into..which was rare for being a fairly busy highway,and i should have gone through the window with the force of hitting my brakes. I will NEVER forget the feeling of being held against my seat..but wondering if it was a angel,spirit giude or maybe a loved one who ped?? Only believers answer..i am Not crazy..this really happened!!!!!

What is the hardest piano song to play on the face of the planet?

Maybe Beethoven or Art Tatum (if you don't know Art Tatum, please youtube him). I don't know though, what do you think is the hardest piano song to play that like nobody can play because it's so hard? Thanks (:

Do you think my best friend is gay?

Guys I know I've reposted this question a lot but I really need a lot of advice and opinions! This could be a huge move for me and I need all the answers I can get! Ok, I'm in high school, and I've been in love with my best friend (of the same age) for a long time now. Here's the kicker: we're both guys. Our friendship has gotten closer and closer, and recently, whenever we've been watching movies or something where we're sitting together in private, I put my arm around him and he doesn't say anything. As time has gone on, I've been able to do more. I hug him sometimes, and when I would normally just have my arm around his shoulder, I do that, plus rub his back, mage his shoulders, and put my arm around his waist and squeeze him up next to me. Also, whenever we have a sleepover, he has started to sleep in and wear around for a little while before and after we go to bed, just his underwear. We also sleep on the floor in sleeping bags or blankets abut 3 inches from each other. Last time we went to a movie, I slowly stuck my hand under his shirt and rubbed his back on his bare skin. I also stuck my fingers a little down his underwear and rubbed him there. The thing is, with the exception of the hug (cause he hugs me back), he never puts his arm around me, or anything else. But he also doesn't tell me not to do any of these things. Do you think he is gay too and likes me? I don't know why he wouldn't tell me to stop doing those things if he wasn't, but if he did like me wouldn't he also reciprocate what I'm doing?

NY Jets or NY Giants?

It's preseason I know, but Mark Sanchez shows very promising for the Jets so far. Which do you prefer? Eli Manning is getting over-rated now =\

I've been told to take up a hobby, and am considering taking up stalking?

OOOOOOHHHHH!!!! Stalking is fun! People accuse me of stalking Derek Jeter (but I already have something going on with him and a friend!) PICK ME! Why? Well, just ask the people at the house that jeter built (a message board. don't ask)

Can you turn a plymouth road ruuner into a plymouth superbird?

Oh yes you can.....Not worth as much as the real deal superbird.But still cool...They did one last year for Barrett Jackson car auction in scottsdale...Some guy by the name of Richard Petty drove the car out...Itwas also signed by him...It still went for some crazy price like 250,000 dollars...The money all went to chairity...

IM READY TO SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!?

Yikes, I'm sorry! That girl that you're talking about who ditched you for the populars isn't a real friend. I would stick with the girls who you were sitting with at lunch today, they seem really nice and fun. Yesterday was the first day of school for me and it wasn't too bad, but today was horrible.. don't worry, the first few days of school are kind of bad, but then it gets better and you find out who your real friends are.

Biology Question?

In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, vestigial wings and hairy body are produced by two recessive genes located in different chromosomes. The normal alleles, long wings and hairless body, are dominant. What are the genotype and phenotype of F1 progeny obtained from a cross between a vestigial-winged, hairy male and a normal, zygous female. If the F1 from this cross are permitted to mate randomly among themselves, what phenotypic ratio would be expected in the F2 generation?

Old 90's children's show name?

I was really little in the 90's when this show was around, but i remember a elephant mascot costume, some other animal that was blue, four actual people, and real mice in a house, and the show was full of skits and different short shows containing the main people on it. I also remember a buzzer for some reason...if you have any idea what show this might be, PLEASE answer.

Sirius satellite radio or XM satellite radio???

I was thinking about getting satellite radio and wanted to know if there was a major difference between the companies..i.e. quality, price??

I'm I correct on these Spanish Homework questions?

Pascual la ve and Enrique los come. If you put Enrique se los come, your teacher will know something is up and that you got help. Trust me, I teach Spanish in college.

What title would be good for this song?;_ylt=AsV1VTi8gWGPpLXVNjqfLkfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090816125949AAdK5Ct

Is it gay for a straight person to have liked Lady Gaga's music so much?

Considering that gay artists like Elton John and Queen and Scissor Sisters and on and on and on, are well known and well respected artists by basically everybody, and their songs are hits regardless of their ual orientation, then no. And besides, what music you like does not make you gay or straight, or even the opposite gender, what makes a person gay is that they are gay.

Men with some experience can u give me a hand on what ud like ;p?

Jump out of a cake, bet he' never seen that before, especially if the baby is asleep and you are nakeid

Ethnicity only a matter of time?

Yes I think the species as well as the genes that are ped on is and has been constantly evolving throughout time and conditions do have a factor it is only the blind that can not see race.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Job Email, What should I say?

im applying for a dietary aide position and they suggest for all applicants to send a email to one of their recruiters..What should I say? here is what I have so far "My name is **** and im very interested in the dietary aide position at ****** HealthCare "

Should I drop any of my outfielders for another guy?

I would rather have that trio you're considering than almost any of the guys you're currently running...Considering the injury risks to your best, or steadiest, OFs - Ethier & Abreu - I'd very much be tempted to grab all three of those guys...

Help With art project..I need creative Ideas!!!???!!?

For a Project I have to do I need to come up with an original drawing it has to do with Leonardo Da Vinnci, Michelangelo, or William Shakespeare (his plays: Midsummer night dream OR romeo & juliet). If the drawing idea is for Leonardo or Michelangelo it has to be an idea based off one of their works not a replica that i would draw....Be Creative!!!! Thanx

I have some caterpillars, and i want to make a mush out of leaves to feed them. how can i do this?

i have luna moth caterpillars, and i remembered the mash you can get whn you but silkworms. i thought "i should make a mahs like that from sweetgum tree leaves, but i haveno idea how. the leaves i give them wilt too fast. any ideas on how ti make a mash?

Any (rock) songs about this?

About someone who spent their time chasing after someone who'd never love them and missed their chance with someone more important?? Regret and stuff?? Haha :) I like bands like MCR, FOB etc. So yeah :)

Will Lady Gaga overtake Sarah Palin in the "weirdness" category?

Fred, when you close your eyes at night and thoughts of Sarah Palin enter your dreams, do you have an uncontrollable urge to "Flip you Minnow?" Your many questions regarding Sarah indicate you could be fascinated and obsessed by her.

Help the custard wont go solid!!!?

Like any creamy filling they will probably set when they are thoroughly cooled, like cream pies and lemon pies do. Don't worry.

Physics- Projectile problem?

The dart will hit the banana if the gun is aimed at the monkey at the time it was fired. This is because the dart the will fall down (due to gravity) at the same rate that the banana does while the monkey is still on top of the pole and has not moved.

HeLP WITH SHAKespere?!?!?

there's a place you can go that will answer all these questions really quick! its called google. check it out, and do your own homework. this isn't a site where people do all the work for a 13 year old who won't put any effort into homework. :)

Ppl from UK??just ans me if u can?

The UK is a country full of hard working people that work long hours. There is lots culture in London, but only tourists use them, Britons cannot be bothered. Out of work Brits like nothing more than getting absolutely drunk and puking up all over the street. They like to be heard 10 miles away when they finally exit the 3am opening bars and immediatly want to fight everyone. British girls are obnoxious and would sleep with any bloke that bought them a drink. Girls donot respect their husbands or family and can drink and puk as much as the men. The kids are no different, they have no respect for anyone or anything and mostly go around smashing cars or stealing anything that aint nailed down. Brits are lazy people and belly ache when a foreigner comes to work here. God knows why a tourist would want to come here. I was born and bred out of london but have lived in london 5 years.

Can you help me how to impress a boy?

i really like this boy and i wanna be cool around him but i dont know how to he has a cell phone and i want to find a way to ask him if i can get his phone num...not like straight likle can i have youre phone num not like that a different waya nd easier way.. can you guys help me!!??

Just registered an LLC & EIN I won't be using?

I just paid $125 to register an LLC and EIN last week. I learned I won't be using them and instead just reporting my spare income on a 1099 misc. Can I terminate them or are they already filed in the system?

I want to put some time into investigating chem trails Where should I begin?

Van Jones. He says all whites are poisioning the minority communities. I'm sure he's all over this one.

Top Ten Hotels in Bangkok?

Try this website got rate and customer review... just click on hotel name and it will tell you every things... G'luck

Why is money for a middle school band group required?

I am part of a middle school flute-clarinet-oboe trio and ten dollars is required. My dad won't pay it unless he knows what it's for. Any suggestions? Hints?

What bike should I get!?!?!? PLEASE HELP!!!!!?

One of the hardtails. The rear suspension is just a waste of energy for a casual biker. It steals power from the pedal to the chain and will make you work harder, just so that the small pebbles you run over don't bother you? You won't feel them anyway.

Triops Hatching help!?

I have used Distilled water, about 3/4 a litere, and I did everything in the directions correctly, put under a lamp, 71-85 degrees Fahrenheit, etc. But they still haven't hatched and it's been 2 days! Please help!

BRIT'S ONLY...Where would you set a re-make of the Texas Chainsaw Macre in the UK?

Houses of Parliament, Westminster, London SW1. This is the major national gathering place for slack jawed, drooling in bred yokels

Ryan seacrest on american idol?

Do you find it annoying that there are so many off-hand, mostly insulting subtle comments made about Ryan being gay on American Idol? And also they have such hard core rules about male vs. female identified contestants, and judges always comment how the "girls" are going to like the boys, and vice versa? I find it really annoying. Same goes for Dancing with the Stars. That show even has an openly gay judge (Bruno) who plays along with the jokes and ual sterotypes. Both Ryan and Bruno have such large platforms to just openly, casually talk about their uality on these top rated shows -- ual preference comes up all the time -- but I think shamefully choose not to. What do you think?

Does he like me still?

i think that he's kinda sorry but shy to tell u he might be trying to say i'm sorry i got so angry and wanna appologize probebly but i think u should ask him u know that guys are so shy and stuff i think he still likes u and wants to appologize

Jason Garret Was 5-3 as interim coach (easily could have been 6-2, Is he the right coach? Did he tank early on?

His offense was Horrendous, then Wade was fired then they became an Offenseive power. Do you think he Tanked for the HC job?

I had my car maintenance done and the brakes cleaned back and front, afterwards i had a grinding noise?

The grinding noise was coming from on of the wheels while driving . It stops when I stop the care. The grinding sounds like when you're sharpening a knife. I was told it might be the brake shield. can i drive with this for a couple of days over a weekend without damage or danger?

Would Icing a Minor Nose Fracture be a good Idea??

ice will help reduce swelling for any blunt trauma.....and there is an herbal remedy you can get at any health food store...its called lysine.....please excuse the spelling if it is incorrect....but it works well on inflammation of any kind.,...even sun burns and fever has helped me with swelling when my knee acts up.

I need Alot of Romantic songs R&B Slow jams.?

Anything: Maxwell, Carl Thomas, Usher, Case, Angie Stone, Floetry, Jill Scott, D'Angelo, Avant, Musiq Soulchild, even some Luther, Isley Bros.

Have you used your intelect to understand during this year?

8:22 "The worst of beasts in the sight of Allah are the deaf and dumb who do not use their intellect to understand."

Question about evolution?

theres a differnece between monkeys and apes. backbefore humans there were the apes. they lived in trees to avoid being eaten by the nasties on the ground like crocs and lions and stuff. somewhere along the line some of them decended to walk on the ground maybe for better food. this alowed the species to spread almost all over the world. some found it easier to walk upright, which aslo helped when having . they started to live in climates that were different than before and adapted over hundreds of thousands of years to lose hair and grow opposable thumbs and other small differences. those that didnt evolve simply didnt need to. they got food, water, protection and where they were so they stayed.

Is anyone selling a heating boiler pcb for a halstead ace high the part number for the pcb is 988410 thanx?

is anyone selling a central heating boiler pcb for a halstead ace high the part number for the pcb is 988410 thanx

I need a good recipe for stew meat other than beef stew?

I would like to make Beef Bourguignon but I can't seem to find an easy recipe that doesn't require a ton of ingredients. Does anyone have any good recipes other than beef stew?

Why won't ares tube let me download off youtube?

it always says that there was an error converting. It'll download from other places though...but i need from youtube please help!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Judge Judy VS. Judge Wapner: Who's the best on the bench?

Judge Judy she is still on but the current judge on the People's Court Marilyn Millian can give her a run for her money

Intense/ pretty/ easy to learn piano song?

I want to learn a kind of deep/ intense/ pretty piano song that isn't too difficult to learn. I'm no Mozart. I know Bella's something kind of like that, ya no. Things from movies are good.

Barber + Ward for Portis + Hester? Help me please I beg of you?

It's a risky trade for the person getting Portis and Hester but I believe it should be worth it to them. Hester should have a strong season my guess 750 yds receiving and 6 TD's. Barber could have a strong season but I don't think he will. Felix Jones will take a lot stats away from him. Portis will have a huge season with 300+ carries if he can avoid injury. GL

Felix Trinidad vs Zab Judah, who wins?

Just like against Kostya Tzysu, Zab Judah would look like a world cl athlete against Felix Trinidad at first. Sometime during the early-mid rounds, Trinidad would scrap his way back in the fight and Judah would slowly begin to fall apart. Trinidad wins by late stoppage.

Is he trying to say something or am I just over yzing?

I've been talking to a guy on myspace for more than a month now. Im 19 and he's 24. We talk almost everyday We talk about everything. Really personal stuff. But he's told me that as much as he'd love to do me he couldn't. He says that I'm a baby, and he couldn't be the one to make me all tainted. Because he knows that I'm a virgin. But right here lately he keeps making comments like I'm ready to settle down, I need a nice good girl, Im ready to find me somebody I could see myself marrying. I dont know if he's just talking. Because we do talk about everything or if he was trying to say hey your a good girl. You know. We've never actually met in person, because he lives a state above me. But he's talked about us meeting. I dont know. Why would a guy keep mentioning that he's ready to settle down and wants to find a good girl?

Who plays gorilla in cad bury chocolate advert?

From the 11th September's issue of the Daily Mail: 'The advert's makers have now admitted that he is a little-known actor called Garon Michael. Something of a specialist, Mr Michael has appeared as a primate in the movies Congo, Instinct and the Planet Of The Apes remake, and acted alongside the likes of Anthony Hopkins, Donald Sutherland and Mark Wahlberg.' And this is from the second site below: ' It was rumored that the man in the gorilla suit was Phil Collins but it has been revealed that it was an actor called Garon Michael.' A wicked ad; may not have anything at all to do with chocolate, but it's certainly memorable and has got lots of people talking, which is what advertising's all about!

Can fish change the color of their water?

I changed the water in my fish bowl. (used distilled). After three hours, the water was bright orange. How does that happen?

R&P: Suggest me some songs/bands to listen to..?

One can never go wrong with Guns n Roses ever! How about AC/DC? Black Sabbath, maybe the Rolling Stones. You already have a good selection. How about cinderella?

Improve on general knowledge?

I have a good memory and read a lot. But then you see these people on Jeopardy and whatnot who can answer almost every question on the board. They seem like your average every day people, not geniouses (with the exception of Ken Jennings). How do they have such a large base of knowledge and what can I do to greatly increase my knowledge base?

Which TV shows would u like 2 c come out on DVD (excluding new, current shows)?

Two shows I'm surprised that haven't appeared on DVD are "Hope & Gloria" & "Family Matters." Actually, the latter, which is still on Nick at Nite, does have the 1st season on DVD, but considering that the sitcom was on the air for a decade, I'm astonished that they haven't regularly churned out season by season of DVDs. I also liked "Hope & Gloria"; Alan Thicke, father of signer Robin Thicke, was hilarious as Dennis Dupree, & there was one memorable wedding episode w/ Burt Reynolds that I wish I hadn't taped over. Also, Is "Cybil" also available on DVD?

AHH what should i be for halloween!?

kay guys so like, im sixteen, have blonde hair, and im going to a halloween party friday, but have no idea what to be, and like please no dumb ideas like playboy bunny. i deff think people can know im hott without me having to wear like no clothing. so like any ideas would be mucho apprectiated thanks (:

Who is George Soros and what is his plan for the economy?

I watched snl and made fun of politics of course and some guy was playing George Soros and said he has everyone's money and is going to make the U.S. dollar meaningless. I want to know who this guy really is, comments on the snl site said he's an evil greedy man and who ever wrote the skit has him right. I need good answers!!!??

Is the end of the world coming?

None of those things you listed is at all unusual. And when you start to get freaked out by the people who want to scare you, ask yourself why they want to scare you. There is always a reason related to money or power when you hear scare tactics. Be more skeptical and you will be less scared.

Finding an alliteration poem?

I need to do a project on alliteration and one of the requirements is a poem that exhibits alliteration. I was going to use "The Raven," but my english teacher does not like Poe at all, and the poem is way too long for me anyway (we have to read them out loud). I'm trying to look around on the internet but I can't find any that I like.


is it bad to let people think that u r promiscuous, even my friends, family, clmates, and ememies think i am i 've only had once which by the way was a BIG MISTAKE i regret it all the time that i didn't wait♥

I attend oakland community college i have a question to ask?

i attend oakland community college starting may 10,2010 i got tip program which pay for half of my cles then my financial aid pay for the rest. so i got my financial aid n it said Fsls which means federal stafford loans subsized. so i wanted to know do they combined my stafford loans with my pell grants n can i receive at the same time i receive my pell grants? and also do i have take summer 2 cles to get all my loans which my loan money is $3100 and my pell grants is $2006

Anyone else have problems with "the new safer IE8"?

I just started using firefox and its not confusing compared to IE. I also had lag and issues opening things that firefox would open no problem when I had IE8. I dont think you can reinstall IE7 from the original IE download site. You prob need to torrent it.

Democrats, you finally ped 2014, while you pay taxes now...awesome isn't it?

Its not the Democrats that are going to be paying the taxes. Why do you think they were so eager to get this? Its essentially something for nothing.

What's this horror movie called? it's either korean or japanese, etc. and had english subs?

i remember it was really gory and there were these teenagers and they were in a canoe thing going down this river or whatever in the jungle and there was this house or shack on the water and there was an old woman there. i think in part (if i am not confusing 2 different movies) that there is a part where this guy takes fish hooks or something and sticks them in this guys eyes to close them or in his lips. i can't remember.

Is this Love or Desperation? (A little lengthy)?

If she wanted a relationship with you she wouldn't have moved away. You could try to contact her just so you can say to yourself you gave it your best shot but it doesn't sound like anything will come of it.

Does anyone know how to make stewed chicken?

I am just looking for a simple recipe. I am using 6 chicken drumsticks, and I dont have a lot of ingredients. I do have onions, garlic, potatoes, a 28-ounce can of whole peeled tomatoes, a 14.5 ounce can of diced tomatoes with green chilies, and of course seasonings.

How can i reduce my height??? bcos of my height, i m facing so much of prblm in my day to day life..So pls hlp?

As a girl and also an Asian girl, I cant tackle my height as taller in structure.. I hate my height,,, I am as much as taller than my sisters even my elder sister.. Pls tell me, Any diet or exercise or eating habits will keep my as short or stunt my height.... Thank for your reply in advance..

My post got flags?

so i post an add on craigslist under strictly platonic anyway i just put i need partying buddies are you fun and outgoing.. and i got tons of message like way too many to keep track of. so i didnt response to most of them.. and the next thing you know i got flag... i didnt even put any html codes or anything bad or anything so why does this happens?

Does my guy friend like me?

...he lusts after you and you want this? He won't LIKE you until he realizes it's what's on the inside that counts

How many SNL "Scared Straight " sketches are there?

I feel the same and each one they do the cast member starts to crack up laughing when he isn't supposed to..that bit is rather lame though because it goes the TARGET LADY and GILLY..they just repeat the joke and it gets tiring.

ASTRO VAN 86' no brakes !?

This is my 'project vehicle' that ran fine at the time that i parked-stored it. After 6-7 years it started and ran fine after replacement of rubber hose in gas tank and battery HOWEVER the brakes went to the floor. I then replaced one brake line after another until they were ALL replaced along with rear drums and and drum cylinders. I then BLED all 4 lines and still the pedal goes to the floor w/ no resistance.> I see NO visible leaks. > this has NO ABS. I see a round black unit from firewall I believe is the Power ist> that attaches to the silver Master cylinder. The key to this puzzle is what might rot or dissolve over time like the hose in the gas tank.....I see in the manual the MC does have 'rubber seals' on the that the culprit ? Keep in mind that brake fluid DOES push thru the lines. > but it doesn't have or build any pressure....what are known places in the system that can leak ? will fluid always be seen ? what could a shop offer that i can't do on my own ?